P: 419.244.4824 | F: 419.244.4825

P: 419.244.4824 | F: 419.244.4825
Download of board of directors application form.
Inaugural Charity Golf Outing
This Year’s Charity is NAOMI
Dedicated to women overcoming alcohol & substance abuse
Friday, September 13th 2024
7am Registration - 8am Shotgun Start
$100 per player
Hot Dog, Chips, Drink @ Turn
BBQ Dinner, 50/50 Raffle, 1st & 2nd Place Trophy Winners, Skins & Hole Prizes
Want to sponsor a Hole ($50), donate a Raffle Basket, or Enter a Team?
Email or text Stephanie:
Help change the lives of those struggling with drug or alcohol dependence. With your support, NAOMI New Attitude On My Image Inc can continue providing the tools and resources needed to live a healthy and sober life. There are many ways to donate:
Donate NOW to our Current Campaign
Support our Giving Tuesday Campaign
Contribute through our GoFundMe for NAOMI Fundraiser
The NAOMI (New Attitude on My Image) is a non-profit organization located in Toledo, Ohio. The organization is dedicated to providing shelter, support and beneficial services for women overcoming alcohol and substance abuse. Certified by the Ohio Mental Health and Addiction Services (OMHAS) and accredited by CARF, NAOMI helps clients recover, reunite with their families and children, and find employment and permanent housing.
The genesis of NAOMI can be traced to Friendship Baptist Church, which for over 100 years, has developed initiatives to deal with issues and build on the strengths of the people and community. A 10-member volunteer board of directors governs NAOMI. The organization provides up to 12 months of support for women who are in recovery from alcohol and substance abuse. NAOMI is one of the only 24-hour service organization in the Metro Toledo area that supports women regardless of income.
Our program exists to help women make healthy
NAOMI is on a mission to transform the physical, spiritual, and emotional lives of women impacted by chemical addiction through a holistic approach of long-term residential care, individualized support, and access to comprehensive resources so that each woman can realize their full potential as valuable members in their families and community. We're working toward a drug-free community, one woman and family at a time.
NAOMI serves clients who are recovering from addictions, suffering from mild mental illness, and/or recently released from prison. Length of stay is determined by the consumers' needs. Services are provided on a first come, first served basis. Clients must be willing to participate in a supportive program that includes case management, support groups, and workshops. The women who enter into the NAOMI program arrive with multiple needs beyond the presenting problems. They are often equipped with poor problem-solving skills, inconsistent work history, limited interpersonal skills, inability to find affordable housing and poor support systems among other concerns.
Watch the video to learn about our upcoming project: I Want to Live
Launching on Living and Giving Tuesday - December 3, 2019
#IWTL #GivingTuesday
Watch this video and hear from someone in recovery.
NAOMI is a non-profit organization that provides shelter, support and beneficial services for women recovering from alcohol and substance abuse. Partner with NAOMI to help us help others. Your tax-deductible gift will benefit the women we serve, the community and you. Use the button below to make a financial donation to NAOMI. To donate by check, please contact us for our address.
Other ways to support NAOMI:
Volunteers are welcome in the following areas:
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